Friday, May 6, 2011

Arborvitae and Salvia and Shrubs, Oh My!

Ding dong, the landscaping's done...well, ALMOST! Still have to put a few more pots in the ground and mulch, but other than that I worked really hard a few weeks ago turning our nothin-but-a-lotta-fence-in-your-face backyard from this...

Into this!

I planted four, 6ft. arborvitae evenly spaced across the back, so that when they grow taller than our 6ft privacy fence, they'll hide some of the park's tennis backboard and fencing that you can see now (I actually bought 6 of the arborvitae and the other two are planted closer to the house, one on each side of the right and left of our fence for a little privacy from our neighbor's raised porches - yeah, they can see and snoop if they wished right down into our patio and backyard :/ But hopefully not so much after these puppies grow!). Also, I planted some boxwood-looking shrubs (can't remember their real name now) and other perennials that'll keep our backyard looking perty all year round :)

In the left corner, I planted a non-fruit bearing pear tree (now I can put a partridge in it at Christmas and really mean it when I sing that song! :) - cue eye roll from husband, haha :)  because it'll only get, maximum, 25 feet tall and the base won't get much bigger in diameter than 1-2 feet...perfect! I needed something that loves sun (which this pear tree does) and would cover up the view of that unsightly 10 or 12 ft. chainlink park fence that shows above our shorter, 6ft. privacy fence (which it will when he grows up) - yay!

Remember this side with the grill and fire pit?

It still looks like that, only now, it's a little more lush:

I have plans to eventually create a patio of pavers there to put the grill, firepit, and chairs on, but for now, it works.

Here's the right corner of our back porch where I transferred some flagstone that used to be in the front. Eventually we'd like to put a patio here too for some lounge chairs, ideal for chillin out and relaxin.

Oh, and apparently, all my hard work made Winston reeeaaaally thirsty :)

Anyone else out there been landscaping or have plans to something similar? I suppose it is the season!

Til next time!


  1. I wish...last season we planted an avocado tree, raspberry bush, and a grapevine, all to be plucked out of the ground by our 1-year old (gigantic) puppy. I really want to try again but I'm worried that he's still to young. :(

  2. If you look real close, you can see a lawn bomb (dog turd). That's turibul.

  3. The Maws - I've already caught Winston lifting the leg, if you know what I mean, on a few of the shrubs so here's hopin all this stuff makes it through the year! :)

    Mike - I'm so flattered you commented on my post honey! but i'm not surprised you had to comment about something like "lawn bombs", haha. Hey, it happens ;)

  4. What does itlook like now ?! Im about to do the same !


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